
In the face of accelerating climate change and as we seem to reach the limits of the planet’s resources, we all have a role to play in igniting change. We all carry within us the capacity to contribute to building sustainable, equitable and economically viable lifestyles, production and consumption.

From consumer to responsible consumer, from business to committed business, from brand to contributive brand, a profound and positive transformation is possible… A transformation that the corporate world too must embrace by taking its part in designing the path forward to the sustainable well-being of our planet and humankind.

LinkUp Factory’s mission is to assist organizations of all shapes and sizes in this reinvention so that they can strengthen their social usefulness and become decisive players in the positive economy. An approach that should engage all internal forces with the aim of taking the commitment frameworks to the next level, with ambition and sincerity, whilst nurturing a positive, unique, legitimate and value-creating battle forth fighting for.

This is where our own battle lies: in being enablers of this accelerated transformation.

About us

30 collaborators

Our capacity to combine technical sustainability expertise with marketing and storytelling skills is what makes us unique.

CSR engineers and marketing experts work hand in hand with our creative team to develop a sustainability strategy that will be powered by the best possible narrative and visual expression. Equally, we pride ourselves in being able to efficiently collaborate with a network of experts and freelancers who have shared our values and requirements for many years.

Join us
Valentine Gador

Above all, I was looking for a meaningful job in a human-sized structure. When I joined the LinkUp Factory, I became part of a close-knit team, full of optimism and driven by the desire to make things happen. Because we are convinced that a fairer society and a more beautiful planet are still possible if we join forces!


Valentine Gador

Account manager

Caroline Mesanguy

Creativity is never better carried than by messages that make sense. And vice versa! Thinking and designing creative concepts to promote actions and actors invested for a fairer and more sustainable world, what a rewarding challenge! It’s my way of contributing to a better future!


Caroline Mesanguy

Artistic Director

Julie Koedinger

When I joined the LinkUp Factory during my end-of-study internship, I was looking for a company that was aware of the environmental and societal issues we face today. I am proud to be able to participate every day in projects that contribute positively to the impact of companies on our planet.


Julie Koedinger

Account executive

Jean Boisset

Engineers, creative people, communication experts… I think it is the diversity of the profiles present at Linkup Factory that allows it to adapt to the best of its ability and to find solutions as close as possible to the problems of each of its clients!


Jean Boisset

Account executive

Audrey Vassaux

Audrey Vassaux

Office manager

Siegrid Bourgois

Helping companies transform themselves to develop virtuous business models whatever their industry, and communicate it to the world, that’s what’s exciting at LinkUp Factory!


Siegrid Bourgois

Account Director

Laetitia Sartoris

Giving your brand a sustainability approach means both giving more meaning to its consumption and more value to the brand, thus creating differentiation and seduction in the consumers’ eyes. By bringing education and transparency, sustainability changes in fact the very nature of the relationship between the brand and its consumer.


Laetitia Sartoris

Managing Director

Elisabeth Pais Da Silva

Taking an active part in this great challenge of ecological transition by accompanying companies towards more sustainable and solidarity-based models is what I am passionate about and what gives meaning to my job at the Linkup Factory.


Elisabeth Pais Da Silva

Senior account manager

Lina Bachiri

LinkUp’s expertise in social marketing and behavioral change allows me to get involved on a daily basis in public health projects aimed at the most vulnerable, subjects that are particularly close to my heart and that are linked to my associative commitment outside the agency!


Lina Bachiri

Account executive

Philippe Raffin

When it comes to social responsibility, today’s consumers expect a lot from brands ! In fact, they entrust them with the mission of making their own aspiration to be committed and have a positive impact become reality.


Philippe Raffin

Executive vice-president

Isabelle Dona

Today, building and sustaining a commitment approach is much more than a simple risk management or regulatory obligation for businesses: it is an opportunity to feed their strategy, to meet the expectations of their employees, investors and consumers, in short, to secure their future.


Isabelle Dona

Managing Director

Thibault Sartoris

Giving a voice to those who act, showing their daily commitment, the passion that drives them, their know-how and their sincerity, allows us to see the humans behind companies and brands again. Embodying business is a prerequisite for any new form of relationship with consumers. It is essential to regenerate trust.


Thibault Sartoris

Artistic Director

Sandrine Raffin

Making a positive contribution to society is an opportunity for companies and their brands to reinvent their model, redefine their relationships with their target-audiences and, above all, give a new meaning to consumption.


Sandrine Raffin


O ur commitments

CSR engineers and marketing experts work hand in hand with our creative team to develop a sustainability strategy that will be powered by the best possible narrative and visual expression. Equally, we pride ourselves in being able to efficiently collaborate with a network of experts and freelancers who have shared our values and requirements for many years.

And because third-party certification is the foundation of a credible CSR approach, we are particularly proud to be able to rely on demanding labels and accreditations.

LinkUp Factory’s own CSR approach: 3 main priorities
Promote the well-being and development of our employees.

Aware that our first asset is our human capital, we develop training and internal communication projects to promote a pleasant working environment. LinkUp Factory is also particularly attentive to issues of equality, diversity and accessibility. 

Minimize our environmental footprint.

Measuring our impacts to better target our efforts, raise employee awareness, transform our work methods, rigorously select our service providers, etc. It is through a proactive policy that we intend to achieve our environmental objectives and maximize our positive impacts.

Contribute to a fairer society.

Our vision of making a positive contribution also includes ensuring that we adhere to consistent professional ethics. To this end, LinkUp Factory has formalized a Business Ethics Charter, complemented by the definition of an anti-corruption policy.

Chaussettes Orphelines (‘Orphan socks’)

Founded by Marcia de Caravalho 10 years ago, “Les Chaussettes Orphelines” combines social integration, sustainable development and creativity. She transforms socks into a beautiful thread that then allows her seamstresses from her workshop in La Goutte d’Or, a poor neighbourhood in Paris, to create fashion clothes and accessories.  

LinkUp Factory has been supporting the organisation for 9 years, in many forms: participating in the Strategic Committee, purchasing the agency’s new-year gifts for employees and clients, promoting the organisation’s work during the Produrable annual CSR show.

The Sols Vivants ('Living Soil’) Project

The “Sols Vivants” project aims to support the transition to regenerative agricultural practices, restore natural soil fertility and combat climate change.

LinkUp Factory supports this particularly useful approach by participating in the Steering Committee but also through the development of its communication tools (graphic identity, website, educational animatic films).